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Kaplan Turbine
pimpleFoam, six degree of freedom, flow-induced rotation
In computational fluid dynamic analysis where rotating parts occur and the rotation is induced by the flow, engineers are commonly using a fixed rotation set-up. However, if one is interested in a flow-induced rotation, the six degrees of freedom library of OpenFOAM® can be used to handle such phenomenon.
The dynamicMeshDict added to this training case includes a lot of comments to describe different keywords
The training case provided by Tobias Holzmann is related to flow-induced rotations. For such investigations, the six degrees of freedom library can be used. The mesh generation for both flow-induced and fixed rotation is identical. The case provides two dynamicMesh dictionaries to show one both options. The tutorial meshes the geometry using snappyHexMesh (parallel) and builds the cell zone and sliding interface named arbitrary mesh interface (AMI). The AMI is created by snappyHexMesh using the »boundary« face type rather than the »baffles« one. The calculation is based on the PIMPLE algorithm. The set-up of the flow-induced rotation gives just a hint.

Published under the GNU General Public License 3
Over the last ten years, Tobias tried to publish a wide range of different materials related to OpenFOAM® and CFD. You know it much better than he does if the content is worth to be supported. If you want to thank Tobias for the work he did, feel free to tell the community your opinion about the work Tobias Holzmann is doing or you can email your thoughts directly to »
Support the work of Tobias Holzmann
The available OpenFOAM® training cases are tested and built for different OpenFOAM® versions (not distributions) on a Linux machine. During the tests, only the OpenFOAM Foundation version of OpenFOAM® was used. Furthermore, the following software packages are required for most of the training cases: Salome®, ParaView®, and for optimization tasks, one also needs the open-source software DAKOTA®. The OpenFOAM® cases might work with the ESI version of OpenFOAM® but it is not supported. For the OpenFOAM® extend project, the training cases will probably not work as the code diverged too much. Additionally, there is no support for Windows-based and MAC-based OpenFOAM® versions.
This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, producer and distributor of the OpenFOAM software via, and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks
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Tobias would be grateful if you share his work on your social network in order to keep the OpenFOAM® community up to date. Furthermore, sharing the work will avoid that people investigate into topics, that are already prepared for your study such as the examples provided by Tobias Holzmann.